
We Want You to Foster!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekly Adoption Update

Five cats/kittens adopted this weekend. Sierra Mist, a cat with food allergies (no gluten, no dairy, single protein) was adopted by a couple who also had food allergies (sounds like a perfect match!). Zsa Zsa Gabor was also adopted, as well as Marsha Brady, Nala (by a previous adopter), and Pumbaa.  Congratulations to the cats and their new families.

And what a wonderful compliment to one of our foster homes, the Westcotts, that the family who adopted Nala had previously adopted one of the Wescott's fosters, specifically wanted to meet more kitties fostered by the Wescotts because their first adopted baby (formerly Dare) is so wonderful.  It was a bittersweet day for Kathryn Wescott today though as two of her fosters (Nala and Pumbaa) were adopted.  She loves all her fosters, but Pumbaa held an extra special place in her heart.  

Below is Zsa Zsa and her new mom.  I have more pictures, but for some reason they are rotated and they don't seem to stay fixed when I fix them (*sigh)*.  

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Congrats on those adoptions! Be well in your new forever homes, Sierra Mist, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Marsha Brady, Nala and Pumbaa.

We love that story about the Westcotts. They are obviously very special to give that much of themselves to their fosters.

We love you, Alley Cats and Angels!