
We Want You to Foster!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Buttercup adopted

Beautiful and sweet Buttercup went to her new home last night.  An adult cat - yay!  Buttercup was found near a convenience store with five kittens and the owners/operators were going to have Animal Control remove her (nasty people, I will run out of gas before I give that place any business).  Fortunately, someone was able to take her and her babies in until we had space for her.  Poor Buttercup had to have a  BB removed from her back hip area; there are so many evil people out there. 

It's not often an adult cat is adopted before her babies.  But they aren't ready yet, they are only 9 weeks old.   Buttercup's babies are the E babies  - Eddie, Edmund, Edwina, Endora, and Esmeralda.  I like to call Esmeralda "possum" because of how she looks.  Hey, possums are right up there cats (well almost up there) in my critter list.  I love possums.  

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, she is just beautiful! We are so happy she has been adopted. :) Go, Buttercup!